Thread subject: :: To be identified in San Isidro, BA

Posted by Diego Rosa on 28-06-2019 20:48

Hi everyone, I couldn't even guess the family of this fly. Sorry but I'm still learning. So I need some advice about this one.
It has this stripped abdomen in back and white.

Diego A. Rosa

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-06-2019 23:37

Tony, could it be Notiphila?

Posted by John Carr on 29-06-2019 00:32

Looks similar to the North American Notiphila pulchrifrons but the adbominal markings are not the same. I know nothing of the South American species.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 29-06-2019 01:09

I agree - Notiphila, in the area of pulchrifrons/bicornuta

Posted by Diego Rosa on 29-06-2019 15:04

Many thanks, Nikita and Tony for your answers.
Diego Rosa