Thread subject: :: Micropezidae - in Turkey - ID Please ???

Posted by Dipterist on 17-06-2019 15:46
#1 by Furkan Eren, on Flickr

Posted by Dipterist on 17-06-2019 15:48

Micropeza corrigiolata or Micropeza sp. ?

Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 30-05-2020 07:28

Sorry to have neglected this for so long.
The shot is at an awkward angle but because of the kink in the ovipositor and the pattern on the frons I'm inclined to Neria cibaria.
There are some photographs of Micropeza at https://www.inatu...tanypezids and M.corrigiolata is widespread so you should find it. Keep an eye out for M.nigra though I suspect that's more likely in Eastern Turkey