Thread subject: :: Beauty from Georgia -> Eupyrgota cf. wagae

Posted by Armen Seropian on 03-06-2019 21:13

This remarkable species was taken by a friend of mine in Republic of Georgia, David-Gareji (near Azerbaijan border).
Is there any chance to determine the species? I've looked through the gallery and also the checklist of hover flies of Georgia, but didn't come with anything, so any help is welcome!

Thank's in advance.

Edited by Armen Seropian on 05-06-2019 09:54

Posted by Roger Thomason on 03-06-2019 23:11

Xylomyidae maybe?

Posted by libor on 03-06-2019 23:40

Or Conopidae?

Posted by Armen Seropian on 04-06-2019 07:22

Or maybe even Mydidae? I don't know my friends, unfortunately that;s the only pic he took. I still hope someone familiar with that fly can tell us what it is, because it has such a distinct appearance :| The only thing I can add, is that the habitat is very arid and dry.

For Xylomyidae the antennae are too thick in my opinion.

Edited by Armen Seropian on 04-06-2019 08:50

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 04-06-2019 09:30

Such a nice fly! I think Eupyrgota wagae (Bigot, 1880). Let's wait for Valery, though.

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 04-06-2019 09:30

Posted by Armen Seropian on 04-06-2019 10:58

Dmitry Gavryushin wrote:
Such a nice fly! I think Eupyrgota wagae (Bigot, 1880). Let's wait for Valery, though.

Thank you, Dmitry! :) Let's wait for Mr. Korneyev |t

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 04-06-2019 11:31

Recently recorded from Turkey in Kemal & Koçak, 2013 (Cesa News 92: 43-44). The original description of male (Annls Soc. ent. Fr. (5) 10:152-153; cf. also Portschinsky, 1881, as picta (Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae, 16: 144-145):
♂. Antennis, palpis, capite, testaceis, fronte lineis duabus divergentibus, facie vitiis duabus inferne divcrgentibus et, suboculis, maculis duabus, nigris; thorace, scutello, testaceis, vittis dorsalibus, retro abbreviatis, utrinque, antice maculis duabus, postice maculis duabus lunulatis, margine postico, metathorace, pleurarum vittis duabus, nigro fusco; abdomine fulvido, vittis duabus transversis, punctis basalibus, nigris, apice, late rufo; pedibus testaceo fulvo, trochanteribus femoribusque basi, late fuscis; halteribus testaceis; alis pallide flavis, venis fulvis, apice macula quadam lata, externa, pallide fusca.
♂. Antennes, palpes, d'un fauve testacé, tête de même nuance, un sillon étroit, divisant les yeux et formant une sorte de cloison de couleur fauve, une macule, en forme de V, sise en dessus des antennes, deux lignes divergentes inférieurement, au-dessous des antennes, en outre, une courte bande perpendiculaire sur les joues, au-dessous des yeux, toutes d'un noir brunâtre. Thorax, écusson, d'un testacé pâle, le premier avec deux bandes longitudinales, dépassant un peu la suture et deux larges macules ovalaires, une de chaque côté, au-dessus de la suture, deux macules lunulées au-dessous, bord postérieur, métathorax sous l'écusson, deux bandes transversales irrégulières sur les flancs, sternum, le tout d'un noir brun; abdomen d'un fauve testacé, plus foncé à l'extrémité, avec deux petites bandes divergentes sur le premier segment et trois larges bandes transversales à la base des autres, la dernière prolongée latéralement en dessous, noirâtres. Balanciers testacés; pieds d'un fauve pâle, bases des hanches et des cuisses largement brunâtres; ailes d'un jaunâtre pâle plus foncé sur les nervures et le long du bord extérieur, extrémité teintée extérieurement de brunâtre, ainsi que les bords des nervures transversales.

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 04-06-2019 11:36

Posted by Armen Seropian on 04-06-2019 18:10

Ok, I'm not that good in Latin to understand the whole text, but from the part I've got, the appearance resembles quit well |t