Thread subject: :: Xanthogramma dives? --> confirmed

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 14-05-2019 12:24

Found on a forest edge on Cornus sanguinea, 12th May 2019, eastern Lower Saxony (Germany).
Unfortunately, I did not manage to take a photo of the abdomen from below, but I think on one photo you can see the abdominal membrane. I also add a detail of the wing.
best regards,

Edited by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 20-11-2019 21:49

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 14-05-2019 12:25

2nd photo

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 14-05-2019 12:25

Detail: Abdomen

Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 14-05-2019 12:26

Detail: wing.

Posted by Ectemnius on 14-05-2019 13:08

Hello Jann,

Yes! With three yellow spots on the side of the thorax, the black spot around the stigma does not go into to the second cell below, and the wing tip is darkened.
This is a very good year for the species in The Netherlands. With 48 sightings of altogether 68 specimens. That's more sightings and specimens than the previous ten years combined.

Kind regards,


Posted by Jann Wuebbenhorst on 14-05-2019 20:58

Thank you very much, Ectemnius!
(It seems you're not only interested in Diptera, but also in Crabronidae killing Diptera :-) )