Thread subject: :: [Asilus barbarus] Reddish Asilidae from Corsica

Posted by Arthropa on 13-10-2004 09:18


Here is an Asilidae which was "resting" in the sunlight in Filitosa (Corsica, France - 22th september 2004).
I've been impressed by its size : estimated length was 25 mm.

I did not find it in my (little) books... :|
Can anyone help ?

Thanks ! ;)

Edited by Arthropa on 10-03-2007 00:18

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 18-10-2004 20:15

Hoi Benoit,
Your pictures show Asilus barbarus.
I heard it from Fritz Geller-grimm (Thanks Fritz), who is one of the experts on Asilidae.

Posted by Arthropa on 18-10-2004 23:29

Thanks Gerard ! ;)
For a coincidence, I just sent these picts to Fritz Geller-Grimm this afternoon ! :D His answer should come quite soon ! :D:D

Edited by Arthropa on 18-10-2004 23:36

Posted by paqui on 03-10-2005 19:01

nigella wrote:
i?ve seen one really similar; I was looking for a good key but with no good camera it was impossible for me. I got stranged because the wing "design" was not really common (I think, I?m learner). I supose there will not be a lot of asilids with black abdomen, red thorax, red legs and that endarkened wings. Thank you very much.
I?ve seen it in the mediterranean coast of spain, in Castell?, maybe 100m high.
Thank you all very much

here a bad photo, for a size reference; can anyone tell me if it?s Asilus barbarus too? thank you anyway

Edited by paqui on 03-10-2005 19:03