Thread subject: :: Asilidae ID. >Neoitamus cf. socius

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 02-05-2019 11:04

is it possible to tell the genus and species of this female?
Photo 2 May 2010 in Finland.


Regards Pentti.

Edited by Pentti Ketola on 05-05-2019 09:07

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 02-05-2019 11:04


Posted by Quaedfliegh on 03-05-2019 17:10

Neoitamus sp.

Posted by Pentti Ketola on 03-05-2019 18:38

Thank you very much!

Posted by Quaedfliegh on 05-05-2019 00:03

You're welcome :-) I could even add N. cf socius