Thread subject: :: Unknown fly

Posted by Ben Hamers on 19-10-2005 20:11


In July and August I saw near Heerlen several flies looking like this one, so I think it should be quite common.


Edited by Ben Hamers on 22-05-2012 19:46

Posted by Kahis on 19-10-2005 22:30

I seem to have lost my clue for good.:D "It's a fly" is about the best I can made of this.


Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-10-2005 23:05

Interesting that you should bring this up. I think this is Megamerina dolium...

Posted by Ben Hamers on 20-10-2005 20:04

So with one shot I got a complete (for Holland at least) family at the photo. Not bad...
Thanks for your support,


Posted by Zeegers on 21-10-2005 14:10

I agree with Paul

and I agree with those who were puzzled at first glance (me included).

Theo Zeegers