Thread subject: :: Ephydridae, Belgium - Scatella paludum

Posted by pjoris on 18-02-2019 22:41

Trying to identify some Ephydridae I caught last weekend from bare ground near some small, acid fens (Belgium, Postel). Some nice dolichopodidae here (Hydrophorus bipunctatus and litoreus) and Ochthera manicata, but some other ephydridae got me stumped (using the keys from Drake and Bei-Bienko).

This one is a Scatella I presume, but I get no further - paludum, maybe ?. I see some pre-sutural acrostichals (last one the strongest), one pre-scutellar pair, hair-like pre-sutural dorsocentrals and 2 stronger post-suturals. Tinted wings with some light spots.

Any help and suggestions ?



Edited by pjoris on 20-02-2019 23:27

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-02-2019 11:22

S. paludum does have a very silvery face, so that would be my guess on this one. Check whether there are any post-sutural acrostichals (they will be obvious, even if they are not as large as the pre-sutural ones). and should be present in paludum

Edited by Tony Irwin on 19-02-2019 11:23

Posted by pjoris on 19-02-2019 20:33

Thanks, there is a pair of acrostichals in front of the scutellum, I was not sure if this was sufficient ... There may be one or two rubbed off others, so I guess S. paludum it is. Joris

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-02-2019 22:50

The pre-scutellar acrostichals are OK (=post sutural). In some species (such as lacustris and stagnalis) there are no acrostichals between the suture and the scutellum.