Thread subject: :: Is this Chetostoma curvinerve?

Posted by Kate Nightingale on 29-01-2019 14:02

I spotted this fly nearly three years ago (21st April 2016) and took photos but never got as far as having it confirmed (or not) as Chetostoma curvinerve.

It was between 6-8mm long and moving around on low vegetation along a woodland path at a local nature reserve in north-west Leicestershire (UK).

Any ID advice would be helpful. Thanks.

Posted by Kate Nightingale on 29-01-2019 14:03

Another photo .....

Posted by Kate Nightingale on 29-01-2019 14:04

..and another....

Posted by andrewsi on 29-01-2019 14:12

It is...nice record (quite a northerly site for it).