Thread subject: :: Phania funesta and ?

Posted by Michael Becker on 01-10-2007 20:49


the black fly on the right is Phania funesta, I guess. But what is the small yellow thing on the left. A Meromyza species? If yes, are there some very common species of this genus in germany?


Posted by ChrisR on 01-10-2007 21:33

Phania funesta is right (with the caveat that thoracica looks almost identical but is incredibly rare ;)) - not sure about the other one :)

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 02-10-2007 12:31

The yellow/black fly is rather Thaumatomyia.


Posted by Michael Becker on 02-10-2007 20:12


thank you for the anwers. The small yellow fly looks indeed very much like the Thaumatomyias in the gallery. Only that I can't see anything black on the abdomen. Is this something special, or is this specimen simply weakly colored?


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 02-10-2007 21:18

There is some species with mostly yellow abdomen (see T. notata) and other with more extensive black markings. Not a problem. ;)