Thread subject: :: An Usia fly ?

Posted by Franck Buron-Mousseau on 30-09-2007 11:39

I have found these flies in Italy, but I am not able to identify them.
Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot.
Franck Buron-Mousseau : Italie : 7/3/2007 : Taranto : Dans le talon de la botte
altitude : 0 m - taille : 5mm
Franck Buron-Mousseau : Italie : 7/3/2007 : Taranto : Dans le talon de la botte
altitude : 0 m - taille : 5mm

I'm not sure, but I wander if these two flies (photos) are the same species ? I found them together.

Posted by David Gibbs on 30-09-2007 17:58

There is only one described species like this, Usia versicolor, top photo male, lower ones female

Posted by Franck Buron-Mousseau on 30-09-2007 20:08

Thank you very much for your answer.