Thread subject: :: Syrphidae - Melanostoma scalare

Posted by Liliane D on 23-10-2018 23:58

On 22 October 2018 on ivy in the south of France.
9 mm measured.
Thank you for your help in identifying us.

Edited by Liliane D on 24-10-2018 01:04

Posted by Sundew on 24-10-2018 00:40

This is a female of Melanostoma scalare according to the broad dust spots on the frons and the green haltere knobs. However, just one picture is usually not sufficient for a certain identification. Make sure that there are good views of the face (frontally), the thorax (upper and lateral sides), the legs, the wing venation. Otherwise you get just guessing at best...
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Liliane D on 24-10-2018 01:03

Thank you very much Sundew,
I'm still trying to get as many views as possible, but this pretty Melanostoma didn't give me time! It flew away quickly when I moved.
It is a good thing that the criteria are still visible enough in this case for an identification.