Thread subject: :: Are the craneflys recognizable (T. maxima or very near)
Posted by Isidro on 17-09-2007 15:55
This one was in the same place thn the last one:yesterday at Sabi?anigo, Huesca, Aragon, Spain. In a repoblation forest of Populus nigra, near a small and contaminated river. Size: very big, about 35-40 mm. I think that it's maxima, but, can be more species in the same gropu?
Thanks ;)
Posted by Alvesgaspar on 17-09-2007 18:36
Tipula maxima?
Joaquim Gaspar
Posted by Isidro on 21-09-2007 15:24
I let it as T. maxima?
Posted by Filex on 21-09-2007 21:14
It might not be the most updated manual - it dates from 1924 - but it might be a first approach: you can get the volume of Faune de France - Tipulidae for just 5 euro, postage excluded.
Any suggestion for more literature on Tipulidae?
Posted by Filex on 21-09-2007 21:29
This manual gives three species of (Acutipula) with very maculated wings from Spain: T. repanda / T. triangulifera / T. maxima and the key distinguishes them according to the color of the antennae.
- blackish with ferrugineous at first articles --> repanda
- yellowish, a bit darker at the end --> triangulifera
- brown, a bit clearer at the base --> maxima
Posted by Isidro on 22-09-2007 00:17
Thanks Miquel!
For a good luck, a friend of mine have the exemplar and can look the color of the antennae. I will ask him next Sunday...