Thread subject: :: Euleia heraclei?

Posted by Iolaire on 13-09-2007 22:31

Hi everybody,

This litle beauty I found on the selleryplants (Apium graveolens) in my herbalgarden today. Is it by any chance Euleia heraclei?

It was waving like crazy as if it was excited about the few minutes of sun this afternoon.B):D

Can someone confirm?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 13-09-2007 23:15

yes. Euleia heraclei (Tephritidae). Other family where we can flies waving their wings.

Posted by Iolaire on 14-09-2007 08:13

Thanks Jorge!
But I still think Sepsidae are more fun!:D

Posted by John Smit on 14-09-2007 08:16

Ah, so I am not needed anymore... ID is indeed correct!

hmm.. Iolaire, I am sorry to disappoint you, but if you closely to Tephritids you'll see they're much more fun than any other group of insects and not only because of their beautifull wings but for instance also their display of those wings.
Anyhow, I think you'll find out for yourself ;)


Posted by Iolaire on 14-09-2007 08:34

Hi John,

Thank you for your reply. And of course I've noticed the beauty of this fly. It's colours, it's wings and for sure the almost dancelike displaying of the wings. They even move around while waving (Sepsidae usualy sit still when waving, at least the ones I've seen). But it's the simplicity of the Sepsidae I like. ;)

Posted by Kahis on 14-09-2007 10:55

Nooooo, no no no no. Surely you can not deny that Dolichopodidae rule all :)

Posted by Iolaire on 14-09-2007 13:25

Hi Kahis,

I can't deny that most Dolichopodidae are very beautiful and interesting, but I still think that Sepsidae are the best! I can't explain, really. They make me laugh!:D

But this is getting a bit off-topic, I think. ;)