Thread subject: :: Tephritidae, Tephritis bardanae from Romania
Posted by cosmln on 12-09-2007 19:40
today i was for a little in the field.
a bad day but still was nice. lot of rain, lot of before rain, windy.
just one species today (12.september.2007), i will come with others next days.
photographed this tephritid on a
Carduus leaf.
looking thru gallery is very alike
Tephritis genus, but don't know where to stop. size something like 4-5mm. i was amaze of that two very long sete on the scutelum.
can be this?
i put now two photos, the exemplary is collected and if needed tomorrow when i will put on pin i will make a photo of the specimen (only one found).
[EDIT] title changed
Edited by cosmln on 13-09-2007 23:42
Posted by cosmln on 12-09-2007 19:42
second and last one (for now)
Posted by John Smit on 13-09-2007 08:08
Indeed a Tephritis, and the species is T. bardanae. The larvae live in the flowerheads of Carduus as well as in Arctium.
Many Tephritids have these long setae on the head and thorax.
Posted by cosmln on 13-09-2007 09:28
John Smit wrote:
Indeed a Tephritis, and the species is T. bardanae. The larvae live in the flowerheads of Carduus as well as in Arctium.
Many Tephritids have these long setae on the head and thorax.
Thanks John for identification.
here i a shot of the mounted specimen... i know this are not even close of Tony's photos my i'm keep trying :)
Posted by crex on 13-09-2007 10:46
cosmln wrote:
here is a shot of the mounted specimen... i know this are not even close of Tony's photos my i'm keep trying :)
Did you use Helicon Focus on this one? That is one clue to Tony's success and the other his excellent work with the light.
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 13-09-2007 10:53
no. I don?t think that here was used Hleicon Focus. It seems to be only one shot.
Posted by cosmln on 13-09-2007 12:49
jorgemotalmeida wrote:
no. I don?t think that here was used Hleicon Focus. It seems to be only one shot.
nope just one shot.
i can use something like helicon because i don't have a rail to move specimen or camera.
and about the perfect light from Tony's photo.... i'm very very far away. i really don't know how the ilumination is done.... but mybe one day i will know :)
Posted by crex on 13-09-2007 13:35
cosmln wrote:
nope just one shot. i can use something like helicon because i don't have a rail to move specimen or camera.
and about the perfect light from Tony's photo.... i'm very very far away. i really don't know how the ilumination is done.... but mybe one day i will know :)
Tony showed a photo of his setup ... somewhere. Not sure what thread it was.
Posted by crex on 13-09-2007 15:12
crex fiddled about: Tony showed a photo of his setup ... somewhere. Not sure what thread it was.
Found it -
Posted by cosmln on 13-09-2007 19:34
hi Crex,
thanks for the link... incredible.
hmmm ... something more to buy :) ... now i have some ideea.
also Tony thanks for showing that setup.