Thread subject: :: Tachina fera / Nowickia marklini ?

Posted by crex on 09-09-2007 08:52

Location: Midwest Sweden (Dalsland)
Date; 2007-JUL-22
Habitat: Coniferous forest, bogs

This was a good spot for Tachinids on one of the few really sunny days this summer. I also found Tachina grossa here and others I failed tio shoot. I thought this was Tachina fera, but the color of the legs is a bit different so ... Maybe T. fera is that variable or this is a close cousin.

Edit: Changed subject (Tachinidae (2))

Edited by crex on 16-09-2007 09:26

Posted by crex on 09-09-2007 08:53

Another view in a bit different light.

Posted by ChrisR on 09-09-2007 09:08

Tachina fera is quite variable in size and some ground-colour (I have seen yellow, not orange and the brown can be dark or quite pale) but the legs and antennae are always orange. This has black legs and dark black coloration with well-defined edges, so it must be Nowickia and I'd hazzard a guess at the commonest species in northern Europe - Nowickia ferox :)

They're not uncommon but they can go unseen if you're surrounded by lots of T.fera and you don't immediately see the differences :)

Posted by Zeegers on 11-09-2007 15:00

Well, I have my doubts.
It looks like Tachina fera and the tibiae are slightly (agreed) reddish.
The abdominal pattern for Nowickia is different, moreover the palpi are not clavate, so it should be Tachina unless it proves to be Nowickia marklini.


Posted by ChrisR on 11-09-2007 15:12

ewww - I see what you mean - very slightly reddish, so in that case I agree it should be a Tachina sp. :(

Posted by crex on 11-09-2007 15:14

Thanks Theo and Chris! I have some other photos of this one, more or less useable. Any detail(s) you need to see?

Edited by crex on 11-09-2007 15:17