Thread subject: :: White headed fly from SE Brazil

Posted by Techuser on 16-01-2018 02:39

It's the first time I see one of these, found in the atlantic forest, TapiraĆ­, Brazil.
It wasn't disturbed easily, and when I managed to spook it getting too close it always just landed close to the previous place, and almost always sitting with the abdomen pointing foward.
Measured about 5mm.

Edited by Techuser on 16-01-2018 02:41

Posted by John Carr on 16-01-2018 03:46


Posted by John Carr on 16-01-2018 03:56

I assume the species will be in here: http://www.mapres...a.1510.1.1. The paper is not open access and I have not read it.

Posted by Techuser on 16-01-2018 06:19

Thank you so much
the wing and distribution are matching Chrysopilus hyalinus sp. n., but the body, eyes and ocelli colors on the description aren't

"General color dark brown. Eyes brownish to yellow, facets heterogeneous, ocellar tubercle dark brown, ocelli yellowish."

Posted by crex on 16-01-2018 11:08

John Carr wrote:
I assume the species will be in here: http://www.mapres...a.1510.1.1. The paper is not open access and I have not read it.