Thread subject: :: Calliphora ...

Posted by Frederic on 01-09-2007 11:20


Can anybody identify this Calliphora? It is very difficult stuff, I know. But I hope, that here is someone, who knows Calliphora species very good, anyway.

It was photographed in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany...

Thank you, Freddy

Posted by Zeegers on 01-09-2007 17:07

It looks more like Lucilia, yes it is.

One for Susan


Posted by Susan R Walter on 08-09-2007 18:35


I can't see enough to make more than a guess. I think it is Lucilia sericata, but would need to see the basicosta lit more clearly and the mid-tibia in full for example. Also helpful would be a view of the palps and a detailed view of the top of the head.