Thread subject: :: Tetanocera sp.?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 06-10-2005 23:13

05 okt, Moscow region.
Looks like the same genus as
but with lines on thorax

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-10-2005 07:14

Well, it is simlar but something quite different. As you can see on the other image, the hind femur has a number of strong anterodorsal setae. These are absent in your picture. Further, the frons on the other picture has a clear difference between a glossy median part and dull lateral parts, which is not visible in tour picture. The fly in your picture also has shorter antennae.

I think you fly is the dryomyzid Neuroctena anilis (used to be Dryomyza anilis).

Posted by Jan Willem on 07-10-2005 09:13

Your fly looked familiar to me but I couldn't place it. When I read Paul's response, I immediately checked a specimen of Neuroctena anilis. Well, Paul is right again! He is good indeed :)!

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-10-2005 10:16

Thank you for this new lesson, what else can I say?