Thread subject: :: Eriothrix rufomaculata and Dexia vacua

Posted by syrphus on 23-08-2007 10:17

I have been sent these two pictures (combined in the attached file) by Jane Bowman of diptera on Ragwort Senecio jacobaea taken in mid August in the Scottish Highlands near Loch Ness. Can anyone help with names, please?

Murdo Macdonald

Edited by syrphus on 02-07-2013 16:40

Posted by syrphus on 23-08-2007 10:25

Sorry - the file does not seem to have uploaded in the original message. You may see it at

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-08-2007 10:30

You can always use the image tags but you have to keep in mind that the image remains on the server. I downloaded the image and had no problem attaching it...

Edited by Paul Beuk on 23-08-2007 10:40

Posted by Kahis on 23-08-2007 11:25

The first one is Eriothrix rufomaculatus. The 2nd one is also a tachinid.

Posted by Zeegers on 23-08-2007 13:44

The second is Dexia vacua, which is quite remarkable by my standards !
Chris, how (un)common is this in the UK ?


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-08-2007 13:54

Chris is in Russia:p
Had to call me yesterday, but disappeared somewhere...

Posted by kitenet on 23-08-2007 14:19

Re Dexia vacua, in Chris's absence I looked it up on his website (http://tachinidae...), where he quotes Belshaw as saying:
"British distribution: S.England, Midlands (Hereford and Cheshire), Wales, N.England and N.Scotland. Flight period: late July and August (at least 50 records)."

However, Chris seems to have just three records on his website database, so I'm sure he will welcome another :D


Posted by syrphus on 23-08-2007 14:29

Many thanks to all those who have replied. The records will be placed in the HBRG database and ultimately on NBN Gateway, but I will send them separately with full details to 'Chris' - I assume I can contact him through the tachinid website.


Posted by Zeegers on 23-08-2007 21:00

Dexia vacua has become much rarer the last 20- 50 years.
So I suspect 'more than 50 records' is not true for the last 50 years.
Consistent with only 3 records in database.
But Chris has to tell the final solution.


Posted by ChrisR on 24-08-2007 11:22

Hi Guys n gals ... yes I am in Moscow and away from my books but I would say it is pretty rare. I don't remember getting any records and in museums it isn't common. :)

Nikita: will call you soon :)