Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae? with very very long antenae

Posted by Filex on 22-08-2007 21:19


I would like to request your help to identify the fly in the picture. It was taken today close to a small pond in a summer-dried brook in a cork-oak and Aleppo pine forest in NE Catalonia (Spain).

It seems to me a possible Dolichopodidae but the long antenae are unexpected to me.

Thanks a lot in advance


Posted by Kahis on 22-08-2007 21:22

Ludovicus (Doli.)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-08-2007 21:25

Yes, Miguel, Dolichopodidae, species of Ludovicius

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 22-08-2007 21:56

what arista!! :| :o

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 23-08-2007 07:27

Now Sybistroma (again).
Multiple male colour and morphological ornaments (male secondary sexual characters or MSSC) are commonly found on antennae, mouthparts, legs, wings and abdomen in many Dolichopodidae species in addition to large genital capsule (hypopygium). This decoration developed more in tropical species marks out long-legged flies from all other Diptera (Sivinski, 1997).

Sybistroma dufouri Macquart, 1838: Ann.Soc.ent.France 7: 427 ** Type locality: France: Saint-Sever. Palaearctic: Balearic Is., France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, ?Yugoslavia, Morocco, Algeria *

Please check key:

Edited by Igor Grichanov on 23-08-2007 07:36

Posted by Isidro on 23-08-2007 08:11

Wow!!! What antennae!! I want see one of these!