Thread subject: :: Rivellia??

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-08-2007 18:56

Mosc reg., 22 Aug, 3-4mm, on dead hadgehog
P.S. I do not kill hedgehogs:@, but if I find a dead on the road I take it in the forest and observe:D
A very good way to find a lot of interesting flies!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-08-2007 19:17

No Rivellia. The one species of the genus recorded from your part of the world is R. syngenesiae, which is completely different. Perhaps the piophilid, Mycetaulus bipunctatus?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-08-2007 20:21

Thank you Paul, it is!
So, my hedgehog isn't what fly looked for...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-08-2007 20:38

If it is the piophilid, then the hedgehog is exactly what the fly was looking for. :)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-08-2007 20:42

It is myceto-Piophilid!

Posted by Jan Willem on 22-08-2007 20:45

I sometimes find this fly (Mycetaulus bipunctatus) among opomyzid material. And well ..... I have to admit, superficially it looks like a Geomyza species.

Jan Willem

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-08-2007 20:49

It even acts very much like Geomyza or Rivellia...
But really, what is the reason to have spotted wing, if you don't move its permanentelly?