Thread subject: :: Norway: Tachinidae ♀ => Sarcophagidae - Oebalia minuta ♀

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 10:35

Sitting on an Alnus incana leaf in farmland today at 35m asl 63 degrees N. Size about 6mm. Btw: Interesting to see how different the frontalia appears, dependent on the angle...

Any help appreciated as always!

Cheers Jørn

Edited by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 21:05

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 10:36

Semi dorsal/lateral

Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 10:37


Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 10:38

Semi frontal/lateral

Edited by Jorn R Gustad on 13-07-2017 10:44

Posted by John Carr on 13-07-2017 14:35

Could be Sarcophagidae subfamily Miltogramminae.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 13-07-2017 15:29

Oebalia minuta I think (if facial ridge as 4-7 setulae).

Posted by Zeegers on 13-07-2017 16:10

I agree
