Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 21-08-2007 16:06
this photo was taken by a friend of mine: Farhan Bokhari.
It was taken on 18th AUgust 2007 in John Forrest National Park, near Perth - Australia.
It was strange to see a tabanid fly licking with its proboscis on stone? is it usual for tabanid?
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EDIT---> Title changed from "Tabanidae - ?? for Theo" to "Tabanidae - Scaptia auriflua / patula"
Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 21-08-2007 18:10
Posted by Zeegers on 21-08-2007 17:44
Maybe wild, but actually very good guess.
I think the reddish colouration on the tibiae is caused by the flash.
Then it's either Scaptia auriflua or patula, hardly distinguishable species.
Posted by Zeegers on 21-08-2007 19:59
correct, it's rather common