Thread subject: :: Pachygaster atra <= 4mm fly with boad abdomen

Posted by nowaytofly on 07-07-2017 23:49

Hi again 7,7.2017, I got a few flies dead inside of a window.
3nd dead fly ist about 4 mm in length witth boad abdomen nearly round, is it posible to ID?
South-West of Germany, Region of Heilbronn, about 245m
Many thanks, Norbert

Edited by nowaytofly on 15-07-2017 15:20

Posted by nowaytofly on 07-07-2017 23:49

another pic

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 07-07-2017 23:49

Pachygaster atra, Stratiomyidae.

Posted by nowaytofly on 07-07-2017 23:54

Hi Stephane, many tanks for all of your help.
Greetings, Norbert