Thread subject: :: Which Tachinidae species can this be?

Posted by R_Majoor on 21-06-2017 11:24

I found this Tachinidae(?) species in the box I have my butterfly and moth pupae. It is quite likely that this one has come out of one of those pupae, but I have so many species that I can't tell which one it was... at least it is of some species found in the Netherlands. I found this Tachinidae species at 17-05-2017 in Barneveld (Netherlands).

Can anyone identify this species?

Kind regards,
Rayan Majoor

Posted by Zeegers on 21-06-2017 14:10

Dear Rayan,

Yes, it is a Tachinid: Epicampocera succincta. Its classic host is Pieris.
You are struggling with your flash, it seems you are flashing over the fly rather than on the fly. If possible, try to adjust the flash direction.



Posted by R_Majoor on 22-06-2017 16:14

Dear Theo,

thank you very much for the identification! I indeed had some Pieris brassicae pupae and not all of them survived, so that can explain it.
Actually I didn't use the flash this time, this was just with natural light :)

Kind regards,


Posted by Zeegers on 22-06-2017 16:43

Ah. So it is a refection of a lamp.
