Thread subject: :: Gallery File Size (kB)

Posted by crex on 19-08-2007 14:26

I wonder why the files submitted to the gallery must be smaller than the files attached to forum posts, specially considering gallery photos have a max width of 1800 pixels and forum attachments max 600 pixels!? At least it should be the same file size restrictions. Logically the gallery photos should be allowed to be much bigger, or am I missing something obvious!? Perhaps these limitations were built in PHP-Fusion and not easily changed ...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-08-2007 18:59

1. Forum attachments also cater for other kinds of files, for example pdf's. These may considerably larger than images.
2. Very large Gallery images are stores in three sizes: the thumbnail for the overview page, a larger version for the image page and the original size that can be view when the previous larger version is stored. The last images is shown in a separate window and thus will not distort page layout.
3. It is possible to give very large files and still keep file size restricted. Most people forget that computer screens as a rule do not give a better resolution than 72 dpi but the images they submit are in 300 dpi (or even higher). If you have a 450*450 pixel image at300 dpi, it could be submitted as an 1800*1800 pixel image in 72 dpi, suddenly filling the screen without visible loss of detail for the viewer. Of course, 1800*1800 needs to be rescaled because it will be too large for most screens and when printing the difference also would be visible if it is printed 100% size.

Posted by crex on 19-08-2007 20:52

I understand #1. The other two I don't understand (what they has do do in this context). My point was that the size of gallery files should be larger or at least as big as forum attachments ... but it's your choice and I respect that ;)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-08-2007 07:28

My point: there is no need to give Gallery images a larger (byte) size as larger images can be submitted under the present conditions.