Thread subject: :: Indian Drosophilidae ? >>Hecamede sp (Ephydridae)

Posted by solito de solis on 10-05-2017 21:43

Hey dipterists
thanks for reading
On a dead fish lying on the floor, in South India
many couples of flies, male more little than female (or the littlest are on Uber flies)
Difficult to see exactly wings venation as males have the wings closed and female have twisted wings
to offer the sit to males, but seem to be very close to Drosophilidae patterns
These flies are about 5-7 mm length

Could they be Drosophilae ?

Pictures extracted from bad video at noon a fully sunny day.

thank you

Edited by solito de solis on 10-05-2017 22:54

Posted by Roger Thomason on 10-05-2017 22:21

Hecamede sp Ephydridae

Posted by solito de solis on 10-05-2017 22:55

Merci beaucoup
This was a very quick and smart ID answer.

Edited by solito de solis on 10-05-2017 22:58

Posted by solito de solis on 11-05-2017 13:26

last picture on these flies

alike "floating" on a salt water puddle, in the street (South India, Kochi)

and the video ... of Genus Hecamede sp. mating

YouTube Video

I have no answer about the fact that if male specimen is so small Vs female, what is it doing on the shoulders ?
Is it there the "croisière" position ?
What's your opinion please,
merci beaucoup

Edited by solito de solis on 11-05-2017 13:32