Thread subject: :: Tipulidae

Posted by aleix on 02-10-2005 22:52

This one was photographed by a friend, Albert Ruh? in Girona, in Catalonia last week.

I know id to species level is difficult, but is it really a Tipulidae?

Thx in advanced

Aleix Comas

Posted by Paul Beuk on 03-10-2005 07:30

Yes, it i Tipulidae. Andrius may have a contact who can say more.

Posted by Andrius on 03-10-2005 09:21

I'll definitely try to ask :D

Posted by Andrius on 04-10-2005 14:27

My contact said, that it looks like Tipula (Tipula) paludosa, but as long as wings and antennae are not visible, it could be some other species from genus Tipula subgenus Tipula (there are 4 more in Spain) ;)

Posted by aleix on 04-10-2005 23:29

Thank you very much!