Thread subject: :: Platystomatidae from Brazil: Plagiostenopterina?

Posted by alepercol on 06-04-2017 15:07

This one was collected 3.I.2017 in Santa Albertina, SP, Brazil.
I think it could be an introduced species of Plagiostenopterina.
Any possible ID?

Edited by alepercol on 06-04-2017 15:11

Posted by alepercol on 06-04-2017 15:13


Posted by John Carr on 06-04-2017 15:17

Why not a dark Senopterina?

Posted by alepercol on 06-04-2017 15:59

I have used the key by Whittington (2010, MCAD), and I interpreted R4+5 and M as convergent at apex.

All Senopterina I have seen from Brazil has a straight M, the body color is mettalic dark blue and they don't have wasp mimicry behavior.

In truth, I don't know. Maybe it could be an weird Senopterina. This genus is under revision now (the brazilian species).