Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae ID

Posted by Woodmen on 02-04-2017 15:42

Russia, Kirov region. 13.05.2016.
B. major (9-11.5mm) vs B. fimbriatus (8-11mm)?

Immediately struck by the small size. We have the ordinary B. major much less. But it "4.b Wing: the black patch does not fill the front cell R1 completely, but leaves hyaline parts, sometimes isolating a black spot in the wing tip. 8-11mm. -> Bombylius fimbriatus Meigen (1820)" is in doubt...


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 03-04-2017 07:10

This should be a male Bombylius major. I don't know Eastern species of Bombylius but as far as I know it cannot be confused with anything else and B. fimbriatus always has clearly hyaline parts in the tip of R1. At least it is always so here in Spain. However, hair colouration is more similar to B. fimbriatus here. Yes, a bit confusing ;) Sorry I cannot help more.

Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 03-04-2017 07:14

Posted by Woodmen on 03-04-2017 10:29

Thank you very much, Alvarez!
If the male must be smaller than the female, probably, really it is Bombylius major.
