Thread subject: :: Trypeta or Rhagoletis

Posted by Carlo Monari on 14-02-2017 10:05

With reference to this post in FNM (Forum Natura Mediterraneo):
which is correct?

Edited by Carlo Monari on 14-02-2017 10:07

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 14-02-2017 10:55

No doubts, Trypeta immaculata and certainly not Rhagoletis alternata, even from details of wing pattern.

Posted by Carlo Monari on 14-02-2017 14:28

Thank you Valery. I agree about not Rhagoletis alternata; my doubt was about Rhagoletis meigenii, whose wing patter should match better. Can you tell me where to find a good key for the two genera?

Posted by Nosferatumyia on 17-02-2017 23:16

In fact, the best is the key by Merz (1994) -- Swiss Keys, which covers N Italy as well. The easiest characters to tell immaculata vs meigenii is the rounded / sharp antennal flagellomere 1 and stigmatal crossband very wide at posterior wing margin and fused with the next one to form a "hook" / not so, not reaching posterior margin and separated from the preapical band.
Let me know if you need a pdf of Merz (1994).

Edited by Nosferatumyia on 17-02-2017 23:37