Posted by Jorn R Gustad on 12-02-2017 21:35
I seriously need help with these (all netted near the coastline on 63 degrees north):
Specimen 1: 9th June in a steep hillside dominated by pine close to a bog - 200 m asl
Specimen 2: 23rd June (same locality as above)
Specimen 3: 20th July in a broad leaved forest close to a bog/river and a grassy field - 220 asl
Specimen 1 is obviously different from 2+3, having e.g. more plumed arista and lacks neck patch. 2+3 seems pretty close, but there are slight differences. Thanks in advance!
Edited by Jorn R Gustad on 13-02-2017 11:44
Posted by Fred Fly on 13-02-2017 09:31
Regarding the dark costal area of all specimens and the different neck patches you recognised these are T. phyllophora (1) and T. elata (2+3). In many cases there are in some characters large individual differences within one species.