Thread subject: :: What Tachinid?

Posted by Date on 01-10-2005 14:49

This Tachinid was caught on 15.VII.2005 on the Dutch Waddensea Island of Griend. Bodylength 7 mm.
I get hopelessly stuck in Tschorsnig & Herting. Who can give me a clue?



Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-10-2005 23:40

I think it is Miltogramminae of the family Sarcophagidae.

Posted by Date on 02-10-2005 13:33

Thanks Paul,

I was confused because of the bare arista, but Miltogramma it seems to be! With the help of Pape (1987) I named it M. punctatum. Not quite happy with all the characteristics, but the rest was no option.



Posted by Zeegers on 02-10-2005 15:13

Hi Date,

Paul is right, it is a Miltogramminae.
There are many more genera in this subfamily than the genus Miltogramma, but this one is a Miltogramma (though difficult to explain based on this picture). Anyway, it is Miltogramma germari, the dutch coastal dune species. As could be expected from Griend,

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Date on 03-10-2005 12:50


Thanks for the identification. Hereby I can add it as a new species for the island. There are a few solitary bee-species overthere, so maybe we'll see Miltogramma again next year.
I will check mij fly-collection of Rottumerplaat. Maybe it contains are a few Miltogramma as well.
