Thread subject: :: Nematocera, which family? > Cecidomyiidae
Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 04-02-2017 07:32
What is this? I can't find the correct family. But I'm sure someone here will...
Length: roughly 1,5 mm.
2016-06-06, northern Germany, garden, underside of a Corylus leaf
Edited by Lennart Bendixen on 04-02-2017 09:25
Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-02-2017 08:41
Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 04-02-2017 09:24
Many thanks again. Is there a chance to get to subfamily level? I haven't seen a cecidomyiid with such bare antenna.
Posted by Tony Irwin on 04-02-2017 13:52
Small number of antennal segments and wing venation suggest something near
Posted by Lennart Bendixen on 04-02-2017 18:30
Ok, so then it would be Porricondylinae. We can rule out Miastor itself, don't we? (because of the long haired wings?)
I wasn't amused about the midge's decision to leave before I could take a lateral picture. Too bad.