Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae, Tetanocera sp. (?)

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 11-08-2007 18:27

Today I photographed this appr. 8 mm fly in a marshy area near Leerdam, Netherlands. I think (and hope) that this is my first member of the Sciomyzidae family, and I suspect it belongs to the genus Tetanocera.

Am I correct, and is it possible to tell which species it is from these photographs?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 11-08-2007 18:27

pic 2

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 11-08-2007 18:28

pic 3

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 11-08-2007 21:19

Yes, Tetanocera. Sp.

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 11-08-2007 21:54

Thanks very much again, Nikita! I suppose it is not possible to tell which species it is?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 11-08-2007 21:58

"jizz" tells me "T.sylvatica", but I don't want be responsible for det. of Mr.Jizz:D

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 12-08-2007 18:34

O.k., thanks Nikita. I will keep it safely then at Tetanocera sp.! ;)