Thread subject: :: Please ID

Posted by Juanravazq on 26-01-2017 21:38

I found this Asilidae on 29-07-2012 on a wall near to mediterranean scrub
Segorbe, Castellón, Spain
It is posible to say something about its ID?

Edited by Juanravazq on 26-01-2017 21:39

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 27-01-2017 16:49

Subfamily Asilinae. Interesting... Can you post a close-up of the genitalia, please? And if you have a dorsal view too, even better ;)

Posted by Juanravazq on 27-01-2017 23:20

Sorry, I only have side shots.
This is a close-up of the genitalia in a lateral shot. I don't know if it will help

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 30-01-2017 13:39

Sorry, Juan Ramón, this is not what I expected and I am utterly confused :( It should belong to the Machimus group of genera but fits nothing that I know :( Probably I am missing something important. Please, wait for Reinoud. He might be able to say something...