Thread subject: :: Myopites sp. (Tephritidae)

Posted by eguzki on 10-08-2007 20:52

Location: Hungary
Habitat: Wet area, mainly grown by Pulicaria dysenterica and Mentha aquatica.
Size: Very small, few mm
Date: 2007-08-08

Edited by eguzki on 12-08-2007 16:57

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-08-2007 23:48

A tephritid I do not recognise.

Posted by John Smit on 11-08-2007 10:16

Myopites, which is a taxonomical dysaster in Europe!
Given it's potential host Pulicaria it can be either M. apicatus or M. inulaedyssentericae.


Posted by eguzki on 12-08-2007 16:56

Hello John!

Thanks a lot for the identification. Since it was too small and very active I could not take good quality pictures from this tiny tephritid. I add other image which is probably give a better view but not sure..