Thread subject: :: Dolichocephala

Posted by Sam Thomas on 19-12-2016 14:25

I took this female Dolichocephala in Oxfordshire (SP566057) yesterday and an now very confused as to the taxonomy of the genus.

Collin treats only three species: D. irrorata (Fallén, 1815), D, guttata (Haliday, 1833), D. ocellata (Costa, 1854). Of these my specimen fits D. guttata.

I don't have access to MacGowan's 1996 paper adding D. thomasi Wagner, 1984 to the British list but understand that it is most similar to D. ocellata.

Nor do I have access to Drake and Chandler's 1997 paper reinstating D. oblongoguttata (Dale, 1878) and that still leaves D. engeli Wagner / D. engeli Niesiolowski, 1992.

Can anyone help with this confusion, what if any synonomies am I missing, what are the relationships of D. oblongoguttata and D. engeli tot he other species in the genus and is there any hope for naming my specimen?

Many thanks, Sam

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-12-2016 16:04

D. engeli is a junior synonym of D. oblongoguttata so that is one problem less to worry about. Your specimen is either that or guttata but I think at the moment it is only possible to ID the males. Since this is a female...

Posted by Sam Thomas on 19-12-2016 16:12

thanks, Paul. That clears things up a bit. I'll have to go back and try for a male