Thread subject: :: Small fly

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-09-2005 23:04

1-1,5mm, 24 sept, Moscow region

Posted by Jan Willem on 26-09-2005 01:01


Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-09-2005 11:36

Yes. Let's wait for Kahis to specify any further.

Posted by Kahis on 26-09-2005 22:13

Parydra pusilla (Meigen). This very small species is very common through the year in Finland.

Hmm. I seem to have accumulated a reputation. Let me assure you that my knowledge of Ephydridae is only skin deep:o;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 26-09-2005 22:45

Kahis, let me thank you for both Ephydridae in one letter.
P.S. And please, keep in secret that you knowledge is also limited. Of course to get answer is good. But at least, minimaly, it is so important to know that somebody knows!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-09-2005 23:00

Kahis wrote:
Hmm. I seem to have accumulated a reputation. Let me assure you that my knowledge of Ephydridae is only skin deep:o;)

Yet, so much deeper than ours... LoL