Posted by Stephen on 26-07-2007 19:48
Visiting Minnesota USA near Lake Superior, I saw this nice Doli.
I hadn't seen a doli before with a feathery fringe on the hind tarsi like this.
There is a red mite on this fly, partly hidden by the wings (a little better visible in other photos, but this was the sharpest photo overall).
ID help would be appreciated.
Alongside small lake, Lake County, Minnesota USA. Measured 4.8 mm from front of the eyes to the rear of the wings.
Posted by Igor Grichanov on 27-07-2007 07:49
There is no second species with fringed hind tarsi in key of Van Duzee & Curran (1934).
Dolichopus remipes Wahlberg, 1839 [F 1838]: K.Vetensk.-Acad.Handl. (Stockholm) 1838: 13 ** Type locality: Sweden: Gusum. Palaearctic: Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Poland; Russia: Karelia, Leningrad, Buryatia, Yakutia, South Kamchatka; Sweden; Nearctic: Canada & USA: Washington, Alberta; Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Maine, Montana, Wisconsin *
Posted by Stephen on 27-07-2007 12:56
Kahis, Igor, Thanks very much for your help with this one! Even from a distance, this small fly had a very unusual appearance.