Thread subject: :: Is this a Syrphus torvus or eupeodes

Posted by Makro Freak on 24-07-2007 19:28

Hello, Iam not shure with the proper id. Is this a Syrphus torvus or eupeodes sp.? Can anybody help me please? Best Regards,


Posted by Kahis on 24-07-2007 20:03

Definitely not Syrphus torvus since your fly has spots, not bands.

Eupeodes lapponicus (?)

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 24-07-2007 20:05

Now Jere, you beat me to it!:D
I agree with the female Eupeodes lapponicus!B)

Posted by Makro Freak on 24-07-2007 20:23

Wow, that was fast. Thank you very much. Did you received my email, regarding the fly, kahis ?

Posted by Kahis on 24-07-2007 20:54

Errr, no, no new emails or PMs here...