Thread subject: :: Myennis octopunctata (Paul)

Posted by Isidro on 24-07-2007 00:45

This one is photographed this evening in a big group over and near a white fungus that could be Coprinus comatus (white, hairy, laminated, long...). The fungus was growing under a dead trunk of Populus nigra in a river forest (Populus, Fraxinus, Tamarix, Salix) at Ebro river, Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain. The flies sizes about 6-7 mm long.

What can be?

Thanks ;)

Edited by Isidro on 24-07-2007 08:15

Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-07-2007 07:15

See: http://www.dipter...ad_id=7313. []i]Myennis octopunctata[/i] of the Ulidiidae.

Posted by Isidro on 24-07-2007 08:15

I alwais mistake Tephrotod and another families!

Thanks a lot Paul! It looks identical.