Thread subject: :: Unknown Tachinidae => Nemorilla floralis female

Posted by Klaus Hartwig on 07-06-2016 00:47


this fly I found at 2016_05_27 in Germany, Timmendorfer Strand, near a
Is it possible to identify it ?

Edited by Klaus Hartwig on 12-09-2016 00:39

Posted by Klaus Hartwig on 07-06-2016 00:47

second photo

Posted by Zeegers on 07-06-2016 08:34

Nemorilla floralis female.


Posted by sd on 08-06-2016 10:40

Hi Theo,

Would a better candidate not be Eumea linearcornis?

Posted by Zeegers on 08-06-2016 11:10

Why ?
Jizz is different: yellow colouration on parafrontals, pattern on tergites and relatively long second antennal segment support Nemorilla, in my view.


Posted by sd on 08-06-2016 16:56

Hi, I can the humeral bristles in a triangle now on a better screen - Nemorilla as you say. What confused me were the 3 narrow central thoracic stripes which in Nemorilla are usually merged into a broad band. Eumea linearcornis is common here but I only have one record of Nemorilla so this is useful info to help separate them in the field.


Posted by John Carr on 08-06-2016 17:21

The common species (maculosa in Europe and pyste in North America) have distinctive merged stripes. Some others have five narrow stripes, a common pattern in Winthemiini.

Posted by Zeegers on 08-06-2016 18:05

Yes, these vittae are often merged, but not necessarily so. This tendency is much larger in maculosa than in floralis. Maculosa is much raren in Britain (I suppose ?), in any case it is extinct in the Netherlands.

It is very frustating to identify on jizz for others, since it is difficult to communicate. I am glad you figured out the humerals, that is an objective argument of course. THe vittae and the discals indeed coincide with Eumea.


Posted by Zeegers on 08-06-2016 18:06

Ah, the legs are long relative to the abdomen, which is not so in Eumea.
Again a jizz that is very difficult to capture in a key.
