Thread subject: :: Eristalis deep in the forest (07.05.16)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2016 19:56


I was astonished to see this Eristalis at a puddle deep in a dark pine forest yesterday (together with a Helophilus pendulus), northwest Germany. 95% of the now flying Eristalis are E. pertinax, the rest interrupta and arbustorum (no tenax at the moment). But this one was neither pertinax, nor one of the smaller species I think. I was only slightly smaller than a tenax female.

Unfortunately I could only take pictures from some distance. Is it nevertheless possible to tell the species of the Eristalis?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2016 19:56

Pic #2

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2016 19:56

Pic #3