Thread subject: :: Acalypterate - Switzerland

Posted by Iain MacGowan on 19-04-2016 11:10

This was mistakenly sent to me as Lonchaeidae but its obviously something else - the wing has a costal break and the eye has an unusual indentation on the lateral margin Taken in a forest environment - probably bred from dead wood. Does anyone have any ideas ? ........... Iain

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-04-2016 13:32

Milichiidae. I can have a look at the specimen, if so desired.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-05-2016 12:04

The notch in the posterior margin of the eye is indicative of Milichiella. In the picture it is just visible that the abdomen is silvery tomentose and that leads to M. argyrogaster. I will check the genitalia against published illustrations tomorrow but is seems to be a slam dunk.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 19-05-2016 16:31

Okay, I dug a little deeper in my papers and the correct name of this species is Milichiella tiefii. The name argyrogaster was widely used for this species but it turns out that this species is so far only known from France whereas tiefii has a much wider distribution. So much for a slam dunk...

Posted by Iain MacGowan on 19-05-2016 23:04

Paul thanks very much - glad it was of interest ........... Iain