Thread subject: :: Heleomyza serrata/captiosa?

Posted by andrewsi on 01-04-2016 12:18

This was taken emerging from the abdominal cavity of a dead rabbit in East Yorkshire, UK a few days ago. Seems to key out to Heleomyza serrata/captiosa from Collin, but grateful for confirmation or indeed correction!

Posted by andrewsi on 01-04-2016 12:19


Posted by andrewsi on 01-04-2016 12:20

...and again

Posted by andrewsi on 01-04-2016 12:20

...and again

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-04-2016 14:12

This would be captiosa as illustrated by Gorodkov in Bei-Bienko.

Posted by andrewsi on 01-04-2016 14:33

Thank you very much, Paul.

Posted by Andrzej on 03-04-2016 12:25

The male is a bit different from typical H. captiosa. Did you collect more specimens? Andrzej.

Posted by andrewsi on 03-04-2016 19:49

Thanks, Andrzej. I only collected that one on the day, but returned today and took a few more flies as they exited the rabbit's abdomen...they are still in the freezer, but I'll let you know if there are any more.