Thread subject: :: Peleteria from Burgundy ?

Posted by Axel D on 25-02-2016 15:19


I'm looking for an ID for this tachinid fly.
I think it's a Peleteria, but it is a little different from the common P. varia (thorax and abdomen colour, abdomen dust).
It reminds me of this fly which was identified as Peleteria ferina.
What's your opinion about my fly ?

It was found in Vernoy (Yonne, Burgundy, France) the 1st of October, 2015.

Edited by Axel D on 25-02-2016 15:28

Posted by Axel D on 25-02-2016 15:28

lateral view :

Posted by piros on 25-02-2016 17:40

It reminds me to Peleteria varia, but I am not an expert...

Posted by Axel D on 27-02-2016 18:43

Thank you for your anwser. This genus is not the simplest one.
I looked for the criteria to distinguish these two species in The Tachinids (Diptera: Tachinidae) of Central Europe and I think it is difficult to see on photos. There is only the dust that I see quite well (white dust mainly on the anterior half of each tergite).
Moreover there are others species in France.

Posted by Axel D on 11-03-2016 13:51

Anybody else for this fly ?
I'm surprised to see that there is no picture of P. varia in the gallery.