Thread subject: :: Fannia sociella
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-07-2007 19:15
It is swarming-hovering of F.sociella:o
Posted by pierred on 01-07-2007 21:00
It is a real pleasure to see that you, who does so much wonderful pictures, can also do a botched blurry one.
Thanks for giving us some hope...
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-07-2007 21:31
The swarm of F.sociella is rather permanent in same place, so tomorrow I'll try to leave you without hope:@
Hovering Fannia is the hell more difficult than hovering Syrphidae, aproximately as hovering Syrphidae and well pinned Syrphidae:@
Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-07-2007 21:54
Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
The swarm of F.sociella is rather permanent in same place, so tomorrow I'll try to leave you without hope:@
LOL!! :D:D:D
Edited by Tony Irwin on 01-07-2007 21:55