Thread subject: :: short M1 => Actia lamia (Tachinidae)

Posted by RamiP on 02-02-2016 17:59

13.7. in Jyväskylä, Finland

Edited by RamiP on 03-02-2016 20:02

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-02-2016 18:41


it is not short. I can see it only very faint, but it is there.

Posted by John Carr on 03-02-2016 02:10

Several unrelated groups of Tachinidae have vein M faint to absent beyond the bend. In all cases I know of the bend would be quite obtuse if present, based on the faint fold or its position in related species.

Missing tip of vein M is more common in subfamily Tachininae. Since this looks like Siphonini I would start by considering Actia.

Posted by RamiP on 03-02-2016 10:20

Thanks John from thorough knowledge.
I dare put Actia sp.


Posted by Zeegers on 03-02-2016 19:14

And on our planet, there is only one such Actia: Actia lamia.

And that is what it is.


Posted by RamiP on 03-02-2016 20:01

Still better.
Thanks Theo
